Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why gay marriage is a very bad idea | Brendan O’Neill | spiked

This is what perturbs me most about the gay marriage debate, too. I don't think I've ever seen it spelled out so clearly:

Why gay marriage is a very bad idea | Brendan O’Neill | spiked: The reason the gay-marriage issue can feel like it came from nowhere, and is now everywhere, is because it is an entirely top-down, elite-driven thing. The true driving force behind it is not any real or publicly manifested hunger amongst homosexual couples to get wed, far less a broader public appetite for the reform of the institution of marriage; rather it is the need of the political and media class for an issue through which to signify its values and advertise its superiority. Gay marriage is not a real issue - it is a cultural signifier, like wearing a pink ribbon to show you care about breast cancer.

1 comment:

  1. "At a time when traditional political dividing lines count for little, and when the old taken-for-granted morality has withered, there is an instinctive feel-around for something, anything, through which moral seriousness and cultural superiority can once again be asserted."

