Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Making the Grade: Why the Cheapest Maple Syrup Tastes Best - Yoni Appelbaum - Life - The Atlantic

When Sue's parents still lived in Maine, her dad would go out in the woods every year and tap trees for syrup. But they're in Florida now. We ran out of his last batch years ago.

Making the Grade: Why the Cheapest Maple Syrup Tastes Best - Yoni Appelbaum - Life - The Atlantic: The market for maple syrup offers an odd inversion. The thin, pale fluid labeled Fancy or Grade A Light Amber commands the highest prices. It is the white bread of condiments, an inoffensive accompaniment to more flavorful fare. The robust, thick syrup marked Grade B fairly bursts with maple flavor, but sells at a significant discount. So why does the nominally inferior grade offer decidedly superior flavor?

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