Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The A-Bomb Kid

The A-Bomb Kid | Village Voice:

Phillips was no Lex Luthor. He was the mascot who ran around in the Tiger outfit at Princeton games, a duty he acquired after being fired as cowbell player in the marching band. His academic prospects were none too bright. "If I flunk another course," he admitted, "I'll be bounced out of the Big U right on my ass."

Report: Millions Of Courageous Americans Overcoming Media Pressure To Be Thin

Report: Millions Of Courageous Americans Overcoming Media Pressure To Be Thin | The Onion - America's Finest News Source:

AUSTIN—According to a groundbreaking report released this week by researchers at the University of Texas, tens of millions of citizens across the United States are bravely resisting the relentless pressure from the media to be thin and active.